Genesis/Guitar Sector
Why I Believe At Least Parts of Genesis: (cont.) 3: The proto-serpent/dinosaur connection: A few thousand years before Darwin, in the oral history of a semitic group in the Middle East, Genesis contended (de facto) that the serpent had a predecessor (a pre-snake, proto-snake, foresnake?) which did not crawl on its belly. Nowadays most people believe that ancient reptiles were much taller, larger, and for the most part didn't crawl on their bellies but were bipedal, quadrapedal or flew or swam. Yes, lizards are quadrapeds, but they are built close to the ground. Renaissance era painters usually show the serpent looking pretty much like modern serpents, when depicting the fall of man. Probably because their minds boggled at the concept of a snake that didn't crawl. To sum up the proto-serpent idea: Common non-biblical belief 500 years ago: Things are pretty much the way things have been Genesis: Once proto-snake did not crawl on its belly, then was cursed and crawled on its belly (If part of the curse was that it was to crawl on its belly, then it probably didn't crawl on its belly before). Modern theory: Early reptiles were generally huge and for the most part did not crawl on their bellies. The time line defintely does not agree, by about 160,000,000 years or so if I recall right. But otherwise it seems to me that parts of Genesis are much more in agreement with modern science than recent human history. 4. Also two of the major pyramid builders, Mayans and Egyptians, both used an ideographic written language, independent of their spoken language. This is opposed to a phonetic alphabet which would be linked to the spoken language. People using ideographs would much better withstand a confusion of their spoken language. It was of course a confusion of language which according to the Genesis account disrupted the building of the tower of Babel. Also, apparently the Sumerians, who built a towerlike building called a ziggurat, used a hieroglyphic based written language before they changed to a cuneiform type writing. The fact that two of the ancient pyramid builders also were users of ideographs while people at the tower of Babel were unable to complete their work because of language problems seems consistent. Once again, time lines don't agree. It's a bit of a reach, but I believe the consistency strengthens the case for Genesis being factual. 5. Intuitive judgement or something or faith. RELATIONSHIP OF GENESIS TO CREATIONISM Some of this information does sort of relate to creationism, but the main focus the article is on Genesis. But the information also does seem to relate to the crreationism-evolution disagreement. I am not a pure creationist (I am not certain how things were created, perhaps in a gradual manner) but I do believe in at least parts of Genesis as stated. Also I am aware of the carbon dating evidence, geological stratas, radioactive isotopes, etc., and I can't explain the time differences. Perhaps there is another explanation for the time lines. Nevertheless, the information in Genesis seems to indicate that Genesis is at least partly correct. For more info about the proto-snake concept, e-mail me at [email protected] for my other site.
1. Les Paul Deluxe (the one with the small humbucking pickups) with a graphic equalizer to get rid of the midrange muddines with an optional fuzz or distortion device. In fact I would not recommend owning a Deluxe without the equalizer (Electroharmonix in my case) or else you may end up sticking a regular size humbucker in it a la Pete Townsend. 2. Fender Jaguar with a "Little Muff" fuzz. Or (probably) a Big Muff. 3. A touch of a chorus device to approximately double tone with a distortion device. 4. A Foxx fuzz wah vol pedal (sentiment)(also with the amp it picks up local CB calls). 5. An old Mac computer with the "Kid Notes" program. I know that it isn't a guitar, but I like it for trying to compose simple musical ideas. 6. A distortion pickup, compressor, distortion/fuzz, delay combo, with an equalizer to thin out the sound a bit. As you can see these ideas are more sentiment than skill, more limited equipment than breadth of knowledge. But what the heck, it's fun to crank it up.![]()
Has Deep Blue Jr., the chess playing computer, made a Virgin Mary sighting? 1. According to Bruce Weber of the New York Times in an article in the San Francisco Examiner on May 18, l997, the computer saw an invisible queen 2. It saw a queen, as opposed to one of the other fifteen pieces or five types of pieces. 3. Comments have been made that the Virgin Mary sightings of are only made by believers. 4. Apparently the "hallucination" was not in its memory banks, but in a coordinating chip linking multiprocessors. 5. They had a heck of a time getting rid of it. Okay, it's a bit of a reach. Still, Deep Blue did win.
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