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ERA COMMENT (from another site)
The picture of the scroll fragment is from the Isreali Antiquities Authority It seems to be necessary to note the comments made by the writer of the gospel of John relevant to baptism to help evaluate the Essenes who wrote and/or copied down the dead sea scrolls. Even if one does not accept John's account as gospel, it still might be accepted as an historical comment. John, the Baptist, was questioned as to why he baptized if he were not the messiah, nor the prophet, nor Elijah (John 1:25)and to me this suggests that there were not many baptizers, if any, besides him at this time, because if there were, the question would not scan. This seems to me to suggest that baptismal units at the Essenes' place might have been ones which were used by John the Baptist and/or followers of Jesus. I believe the Essenes were supposed to have vacated their place before John the Baptist's public speaking. For more information, comments, questions, Email me at [email protected] or [email protected] To get back to page 1 (regular)
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