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Welcome to a truncated Top 8 of the David Letterman's Top Ten List (more or less) for January 6, 1999 (and maybe including rejected jokes) *******************************
Top Nine of Ten Depressing Thoughts Your Dog Has 10. "I haven't felt as attractive since that doctor surgically removed my sex organs." 8. "I'm 63 years old and my name is 'Waffles'." 7. "What if the computers at Alpo can't handle the Y2K bug?" 6. "If I ever catch the idiot who invented 'fetch' I'm gonna bite his arm off." 5. "You're serving me Cycle 5? Oh, just put me to sleep already." x. "What if Bob Barker moves in next door?" x. "So I've lived 14 years, but I'm actually 98? What the er heck?" x. "That dog Clyde down the street, same age as me, was just diagnosed with heart worms." ******************* From the Home Office in Wahoo, Nebraska, it's the Top Ten List for January 8, 1999 Top Five of Top Ten Ways The NBA Can Get Their Fans Back 10. If fans don't buy tickets, Shaq makes another movie. 9. 40% more groin pulls! 5. Players go to homes of season ticket holders to change out-of-reach lightbulbs. 3. Here's a thought--how 'bout someone other than the Bulls winning once in a while? x. Instead of jump ball, two centers fight it out in a colorful phony wrestling match. ********** From the Home Office in Wahoo, Nebraska, it's the Top Ten List for January 20, 1999 Top Six 0f Ten Changes They're Making To Sesame Street 10. Steinbrenner buys neighborhood and moves it to Jersey 9. In a very special episode, Grover develops a severe case of static cling 8. Instead of the letter "B," show now brought to you by Budweiser 7. Oscar the Grouch has new roommate in garbage can: Tony the Mob Corpse 5. Bill Gates comes on to teach kids the number 55 billion 3. Newest furry creature -- Willie Nelson ******************** SELF-SHEARING SHEEP?? WHAT NEXT? Popular Science, January 1999 An article in the January issue of Popular Science tells of the "world's first shear-less wool harvesting process" invented by Australian scientists. The new technique uses a "naturally occuring protein" that causes sheep to shed their fleece. Sheep are injected with the protein and then fitted with a net to catch the wool. One week later the sheep sheds its wool. The protein level returns to normal and the sheep start growing wool again. The process has been tested on 15,000 sheep over a period of seven years. ******************* Wed July 29.1998 Roy Rivenburg, L.A. Times Creative Lawyering Department: A man who was charged with stealing $254 worth of goods from a pharmacy in Reno has successfully argued that one of the cologne bottles he swiped was on sale, thus making it a $248.16 theft, which is $1.84 below the cutoff for felonies, and so now he is charged with a misdemeanor, according to Chicago columnist Zay N. Smith. ******************* TO GO TO THE MAIN PAGE:TechnoLizard Weakly is a non-profit site.Open main page
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